

Our obsession with newer and newer technologies is producing electronic waste faster than we can find sustainable places to discard them.随着电子垃圾成为美国快速增长的垃圾流, there’s no better time than now to get proactive about e-waste – particularly about recycling e-waste. 电子垃圾危机不仅仅是美国的问题. […]




电子产品回收是浪费钱吗? Opponents of the process argue the current economic state of recycling leaves much to be desired. 成本趋向于高于盈利能力. That keeps recyclers dependent on manufacturer-based state laws which can hinder things. However, the views in favor of electronics recycling are just as strong. 支持者[…]




Companies today can capitalize on the popular ‘greening’ of all things from consumer products to cars. Taking a green approach to office electronics purchases is yet another way to demonstrate your company means business when it comes to protecting the environment.  Additionally, a number of good habits in the office easily translate into energy savings […]



Take Your Office to the Next Level of Sustainable Materials Management

Sustainable materials management (SMM) is an EPA program developed to maintain sustainable electronics manufacturing practices. Companies can capitalize on the SMM program by ensuring their electronics come from manufacturers who participate. The program bears a close relation to electronics recycling issues and current efforts in the U.S. 解决日益严重的电子垃圾危机.环保署的角色[…]




While the thought of powering through your day without the use of electronics may not be appealing or even feasible, you might feel like doing so once you’ve found out they contain materials that are literally creating wars and human rights abuses halfway across the world. That’s because most electronics house chemical or mineral components that […]



‘It’s Still There’: Effective Data Wiping for the 21st Century

Electronic devices can be vulnerable to theft of private information even after they’re discarded. This data safety threat makes data wiping and erasure a big topic for electronics recyclers. Back in 2009, a little known story of theft surfaced in the media. 然而,这不是普通的盗窃. The “thieves” were actually Vancouver students documenting what happens to e-waste after […]
